

Congratulations to Professor Fauziah, the Top Research Scientist of 2023 from the Academy of Sciences Malaysia! This prestigious award is a well-deserved recognition of Professor Fauziah’s outstanding contributions to scientific research in Malaysia. We are proud to celebrate Professor Fauziah’s achievement and to wish her all the best in her future endeavours.
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Ayuh sertai Program Pengajian Kitab Turath Bersijil yang dianjurkan melalui kerjasama oleh Akademi UIAM & BeDaie. Program ini adalah program unik untuk mendalami Ilmu kitab Turath yang kaya dengan warisan intelektual dan spiritual. Antara kelebihan program ini adalah: Khatam setiap kitab dalam 16 SESI selama 4 BULAN SAHAJA! SIJIL PENGESAHAN khatam kitab SIJIL PERAKUAN PENGAJIAN...
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On 16th October 2023, IIUM Academy paid a courtesy visit to Institut Sosial Malaysia (Malaysian Social Institute). The delegation led by Dean of IIUM Academy, Assoc Prof Dr Badri Najib. The visit was a success and hopeful for both institution to be working together to build a better future. Insha Allah
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  On October 14 2023, IIUM Academy hosted an entrepreneurship seminar featuring Gemma Manning and Mr Midzhar as the speaker of the day. The seminar was a success, with a variety of attendees from staff to students. The attendees were very engaged in the seminar and they asked many creative and thoughtful questions to the...
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Courtesy Visit to Daya Bersih Sdn Bhd on 4th October 2023 led by Assoc Prof Dr Badri Najib (Dean of IIUM Academy) and Daya Bersih Sdn Bhd. May this visit become a good step in building a good and beneficial relationship for the future collaborations.
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Content Creation Workshop for IIUM Academy Staff on October 4th, 2023 On October 4th, 2023, IIUM Academy held a workshop on content creation for its staff. The workshop was led by Assoc Prof Dr Badri Najib Zubir, Dean of IIUM Academy. The workshop was attended by the staff members from across IIUM Academy. Participants were...
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  Courtesy Visit to Akademi Percukaian Malaysia by IIUM Academy on 29th September 2023. Hopefully, this visit can nurture a peaceful cooperation for both parties. Insha Allah.
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On September 26, the Al-Hady Centre and International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) exchange a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for future collaborations. The MOU was exchanged between Al Hady Centre and IIUM. May this become a significant phase in establishing a beneficial and strong relationship in the future.
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IIUM Academy RoadTour 2023: Pioneering Tomorrow IIUM Academy paid a friendly visit to CPS just down the street. It’s all about nurturing those connections, building bridges, and fostering a sense of community. We firmly believe that by strengthening these bonds, we are not only creating a supportive local network but also paving the way for...
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